Tell us how you want it shipped and Hercules OEM will deliver to your exact specifications. We can bag the parts in your requested quantities. Our Just-In-Time (JIT) kitting saves you assembly time and overhead by grouping parts together – piston seals, rod seals, wipers, wear guides, O-Rings – any combination you require. We can create customerspecific bags/labels, even barcodes.

Since different part compounds look alike, we can dot them in different colors. It improves quality control by ensuring the correct compound for each application, differentiating expensive parts, and matching correct sizes.

Our worldwide resources, new state-of-the-art warehouse and worldwide delivery expertise enable us to pack, ship and track your order from the moment you place it. We deliver to local areas, nationwide and off-shore anywhere. Our international resources facilitate the process. And we’ll custom kit, bar code, even set up just-in-time (JIT) scheduling.